Public–private partnerships for skills development: A governance perspective – Volume II. Case studies
International organizations
Information is gathered from other international organizations that promote skills development and the transition from education and training to work. The Interagency Group on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (IAG-TVET) was established in 2009 to share research findings, coordinate joint research endeavours, and improve collaboration among organizations working at the international and national levels.
Anticipating and matching skills needs
Anticipating and building skills for the future is essential to a rapidly changing labour market. This applies to changes in the types and levels of skills needed as well as in occupational and technical areas. Effective methods to anticipate future skills needs and avoid potential mismatches include: sustained dialogue between employers and trainers, coordination across government institutions, labour market information systems, employment services and performance reviews of training institutions.
Governance and coordination mechanisms
Effective governance and coordination are key elements of successful skill systems. Whilst coordination is an important factor, it needs to operate alongside other key conditions to strengthen governance. When multi-level governance is supported by effective communication, sustainable financing and effective coordination, it has the best chance of supporting the establishment of a lifelong learning ecosystem that enables individuals and enterprises to more effectively navigate the world of work and learning.
Case studies and good practices
Case studies that document good practices and illustrate the benefits and lessons learnt of particular approaches or methods in real practice.