Documento genérico
Entrepreneurship competence in vocational education and training
Fecha de publicación: 06 Dic. 2022
Fuente: Instituciones bilaterales-European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)

This report describes how entrepreneurship competence is embedded in vocational education and training (VET) in Italy.

It complements existing knowledge with examples of methods, tools and approaches that can help policy-makers, VET providers and other stakeholders build better entrepreneurial learning ecosystems.

The report is based on the pilot research of Cedefop’s study Entrepreneurship competence in VET. It is part of a series of eight national case studies (Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Austria, Sweden and Finland) and the forthcoming final report.

Documento genérico
The future of vocational education and training in Europe: volume 2
Fecha de publicación: 22 Ag 2022
Fuente: Organizaciones internacionales-European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)

This study examines the way in which institutional arrangements for the delivery of IVET have changed in response to shifts in skills demand.

Although these arrangements vary across countries, it is possible to identify common trends over time, such as institutional hybridisation, the blurring of boundaries between IVET and general education. Despite this development, IVET has been able to retain a distinct identity, which is attractive to learners and has the support of key labour market actors. This reflects IVET’s adaptability and resilience in the face of change.

Building on a Europe-wide survey of VET providers and in-depth national case studies, the study delivers a timely update of, and insight into, the continually changing IVET landscape. Results show increasing similarities in how countries configure their IVET systems. This is evident in the broadening of IVET curricula, the prominence given to the work-based learning pathway, as well as the growing importance attached to local and regional autonomy.

OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report: Italy 2017
Fecha de publicación: 25 May. 2018
Fuente: Organizaciones internacionales
Italy needs to take prompt action to bolster growth and improve people’s skills across the country. As our economies adapt to globalisation, technological and demographic change, the demand for new and higher levels of skills increases. Yet Italy is struggling more than other advanced economies to meet these changing demands. Italy has launched a number of ambitious reforms to boost growth. But the reforms need to fully implement to ensure that schools, universities and workplaces equip all Italians with the skills needed for success in the economy and society. The OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report makes a number of recommendations that will help sustain this positive momentum including, among others, to:

- Implement the Alternanza Scuola Lavoro (ASL) by training school principals and teachers to effectively engage employers in the design of work-based learning activities and increase incentives for firms to hire trainees.
- Expand and improve the quality of professional tertiary education institutions (ITS).
- Increase overall investment in tertiary education.
- Subsidise training programmes that target low-skilled adults who often face difficulties in accessing such opportunities.
- Increase public and private investment in skills and improve how they are allocated through monitoring and evaluation.
- Improve the governance system to ensure that skills polices are aligned and coordinated.
Complementarities between labour market institutions and their causal impact on youth labour market outcomes
Fecha de publicación: 14 May. 2018
Fuente: OIT
The paper analyses theoretically and empirically the effects on young people’s labour market outcomes of two specific labour market institutions and their interaction: employment protection legislation and active labour market policy. More specifically, the paper examines recent policy reforms in Italy focusing on the impact of the 2012 Fornero reforms of employment protection legislation as well as the initial impact of the EU-wide Youth Guarantee scheme introduced in Italy in March 2014. The paper also examines how these two policy reforms interacted.
ITC/ILO: Skills needs anticipation and matching
Fecha: 16 - 20 Abr. 2018
Fuentes: OIT

Target audience

Policy makers and technical advisors at Ministries of Employment/Labour, Ministries of Education, Members of skills councils, national TVET authorities or similar institutions; representatives of workers' and employers' organizations.

ITC/ILO: Management of Vocational Training Centres
Fecha: 09 - 13 Jul. 2018
Fuentes: OIT

Target audience

Policymakers and technical advisors of Ministries of Employment/Labour, Ministries of Education, Members of skills councils, national TVET authorities or similar institutions; representatives of workers' and employers' organizations involved in sectoral, regional or national skills anticipation; experts and technical staff working in the field of TVET planning.


By the end of the programme, participants will have strengthened their technical knowledge as well as their analytical and managerial capacity to improve the functioning of vocational training centres. In particular participants will have:

In particular participants will have:
• strengthened their understanding of management concepts;
• reviewed management of vocational training centers from a systemic perspective;
• examined management problems related to the different aspects of operating a vocational training center;
• analysed bottlenecks and challenges at the level of their own training centres;
• identified the main elements for an adequate and enabling environment for vocational training centres.

ILO/ITC: Management of Vocational Training Centres
Fecha: 09 - 13 Jul. 2018
Fuentes: OIT

Target audience

Policymakers and technical advisors of Ministries of Employment/Labour, Ministries of Education, Members of skills councils, national TVET authorities or similar institutions; representatives of workers' and employers' organizations involved in sectoral, regional or national skills anticipation; experts and technical staff working in the field of TVET planning.

Management of Vocational Training Centres
Fecha: 27 Nov. - 01 Dic. 2017
Fuentes: OIT

Target audience

The course is aimed at the directors and staff of public and private training institutions; representatives of employers'/workers' organizations active in TVET; staff of ministries of labour and education (when dealing with technical education); other professionals dealing with HR development. A gender-balanced participation is sought.


By the end of the programme, participants will have strengthened their technical knowledge as well as their analytical and managerial capacity to improve the functioning of vocational training centres. In particular participants will have:

In particular participants will have:
• strengthened their understanding of management concepts;
• reviewed management of vocational training centers from a systemic perspective;
• examined management problems related to the different aspects of operating a vocational training center;
• analysed bottlenecks and challenges at the level of their own training centres;
• identified the main elements for an adequate and enabling environment for vocational training centres.