United Arab Emirates

Improving skills and lifelong learning for workers in the informal economy to promote decent work and enhance transitions to formality
Publication Date: 12 Feb 2024
Source: ILO
Workers in the informal economy face barriers to training due to costs and limited availability. Women encounter greater challenges accessing opportunities. Employers invest less in training than formal counterparts, and available programs may not be suitable or recognized. Therefore, governments can expand financing options and make training more flexible. The paper highlights strategies including aligning programs with labour market demands and investing in basic skills education as well as targeted interventions that are essential for enhancing access and relevance in skills training.
Call for Expression of Interest in professional training in Career Guidance
Publication Date: 06 Oct 2021
Source: Academic institutions-University of Malta

On-line, part-time Master in Lifelong Career Guidance specifically for the MENA region


Career guidance (or ‘vocational guidance’) has been adopted in several countries in the world because it:

  • helps young people and adults choose their educational and employment pathways more wisely;
  • leads to appropriate choices that ensure more motivated students and more productive and satisfied workers;
  • facilitates a better match between the demand and supply of skills.


Career guidance services are greatly needed in the MENA region. They can be part of the strategy to address the twin challenge of high youth and adult unemployment on the one hand, and skills gaps on the other. They can also foster social inclusion through giving access to a livelihood.


The University of Malta – with the expert support of the European Training Foundation (ETF), the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the UNESCO-UNITWIN Network – has issued a Call for the Expression of Interest for those who would like to receive professional training in career guidance.


The Master course is designed in such a way as to

  • take into account the economic, labour market, educational and cultural realities of the MENA region;
  • provide participants with the interdisciplinary theoretical background and practical experience needed in order to design, deliver, and evaluate lifelong career guidance services;
  • promote regional expertise in policy development, systems-building, and practitioner competence. 


Individuals as well as public and private entities interested in the Masters can



Scholarships, in the form of partial fee waivers, are being offered by the University of Malta to deserving applicants.

Developing skills for employability with German partners: 8 success stories from the medical and geriatric care sector
Publication Date: 20 Apr 2016
Source: Other sources
Germany’s success in the healthcare sector is reinforced by its training expertise. 'Training – Made in Germany' offers the necessary know-how to meet the challenge in the field of vocational education and training. Germany has a long-standing tradition in this field and enjoys a high reputation for the demand-driven and practical orientation of its qualification programmes. The integration of professional, social and methodological competencies characterises the kind of knowledge German partners can provide. This document presents eight success stories of skill development in the health and geriatric care sector, realised in a joint effort by German and international partners.
WorldSkills Conference 2017 - Skills strategies for a globalized world
Date: 16 - 17 Oct 2017
Sources: Other sources, ILO

The advent of the fourth industrial revolution means that we must prepare urgently for dramatic changes to the way that we learn, live, and work.

The connectivity of cyber-physical systems is transforming the needs of society and employers — and breaking down the limits of national borders. There is a danger that the demand for new skills, to match future industries, may outpace the provision of appropriate training and education. So how should the VET sector respond to the continuous developments of emerging technologies? How should we promote international cooperation? And, what will be the future of skills in an era when borders have become less of an obstacle to movement?

See PDF below for more information about the Conference.

To register for the Conference