Executive Summary: Review of national policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks and practice
Date de publication: 26 févr. 2024
Source: OIT
The global displacement crisis demands integration solutions, notably in labor markets. The PROSPECTS Partnership, operating across Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Uganda, and Sudan, aims to support refugee integration. The International Labour Organization (ILO) conducted a review focusing on refugees' right to work and rights at work. Findings reveal significant gaps in legislation, hindering refugee access to formal employment, justice systems, and social security benefits. Comprehensive legal reforms and practical support mechanisms are needed to facilitate refugee integration. Detailed country-specific reports are available for download on the ILO website.
Review of national policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks and practice
Date de publication: 20 févr. 2024
Source: OIT
Through PROSPECTS programme, the ILO has undertaken a national policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks and practice review. This review includes an analysis of current legislation, policies and regulatory frameworks, and how their implementation works in practice across the eight PROSPECTS countries to support the governments in policy, legislation, regulatory development and/or reform as appropriate.

Through this review, the ILO seeks to explore further opportunities to strengthen policy, legislative and institutional environments and mechanisms, working closely with host governments and other national actors and partners.

By providing a comprehensive and robust picture of the situation on the ground, the report offers actionable areas of intervention to support policy development, reform and implementation capacity of the host governments, other national and local actors, including the social partners, to enhance inclusion and protection.
Legislative and Policy Coherence on the Extension of Social Security Coverage in Jordan
Date de publication: 22 déc. 2022
Source: OIT
This report supports the objectives of the PROSPECTS strategic partnership between the ILO, the World Bank, IFC, UNICEF and UNHCR, as well as the ILO’s “Estidama + +” project. The assignment was carried out under the guidance of Sandra Silva (ILO) with Meredith Byrne (ILO). Clara Decamps (Development Pathways) and Shea McClanahan (Development Pathways) authored the report, with research support from Daisy Sibun (Development Pathways). Key informant interviews were carried out by Ahmed Tamemi (Independent Consultant) and members of the Development Pathways team in August and September 2022. The authors are grateful for the time and insights of the experts and practitioners who made themselves available for interviews. The report benefitted from detailed feedback from Meredith Byrne (ILO) and Jullnar Kudi (ILO).
Document générique
Skills mismatch in ETF partner countries
Date de publication: 24 août 2022
Source: Organisations internationales-European Training Foundation

Skills mismatch problems in the labour market have been widely recognized by both current literature and policymakers. Skills mismatch indicators inform policies to improve the matching between labour demand and labour supply, making labour markets more efficient and reducing the wage penalties due to over-education or other types of mismatches. The skills mismatch indicators have been measured, so far, only for a limited number of the European Training Foundation (ETF) partner countries and they are not always comparable. This report provides an update and an extension of the work which has already been done to measure skills mismatch in ETF partner countries. The analysis following the choice and the construction of skills mismatch indicators provides a timely overview of this labour market issue which will be important for governments, stakeholders, and other stakeholders to shape future labour market policies.

Monthly newsletter of the ILO SKILLS Branch - September 2022
Date: 30 sept. 2022
Sources: OIT

The ILO Skills and Lifelong Learning monthly newsletter highlights recently uploaded publications, reports, research items, videos and upcoming events on skills development and lifelong learning.

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