Labour market impact of National Qualification Frameworks in six countries
Date de publication: 24 oct. 2017
Source: Institutions académiques, OIT
In 2010, the ILO together with European Training Foundation (ETF) presented research on ‘The implementation and impact of National Qualifications Framework: Report of a study in 16 countries’ documenting countries that were early adopters of NQFs, such as Australia, Scotland, New Zealand, England, Wales and Northern Ireland as well as countries that had recently started implementation of National Qualifications Framework (NQFs), such as South Africa, Mexico, Chile, Malaysia, Mauritius, Botswana, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Lithuania, Tunisia, Bangladesh and Russia.

In the intervening years as the number of countries implementing NQFs has grown exponentially, the debate has increasingly centered on topics like labour market impact and outcomes of NQFs, including employer experience in using qualification frameworks when making hiring decisions.

This follow-up ILO research is therefore intended to better understand labour market aspects of NQF implementation and to provide sound empirical evidence of how employers recruit, fill vacancies and understand how qualification frameworks are tools for them and for employing people. In doing so we have been careful to chose countries that reflect various stages of implementation including Ireland, France, Belize, Jamaica, Sri Lanka and Tunisia.

The results clearly show that whilst the challenges associated with NQF implementation are myriad, benefits do accrue, especially over the long term. As such, for all the promised benefits of NQFs to be realised, a very long timeframe needs to be taken into account.
El aprendizaje y la preparación de los jóvenes para el trabajo. Los casos de Jamaica y Trinidad & Tobago
Date de publication: 06 mai 2016
Source: OIT
La presente publicación constituye una contribución de la Oficina de la OIT para el Cono Sur de AméricaLatina a través del Programa de apoyo a las políticas de empleo y formación de jóvenes en el Uruguay y de OIT/Cinterfor al proceso de generación de análisis y reflexión que lleva adelante la OIT a escala global sobre el tema del aprendizaje y las políticas y programas de transición de la educación al trabajo de los jóvenes. En vista de las crecientes demandas del mercado de trabajo, tanto Jamaica como Trinidad y Tobago han creado programas para atender la necesidad de preparar adecuadamente a los jóvenes para el trabajo. En esta publicación se realiza una descripción detallada de los programas que existen en ambos países.
Integrating core work skills into TVET systems: Six country case studies
Date de publication: 03 mai 2016
Source: OIT
This report assesses the extent to which six diverse countries have embedded core skills for employability in their TVET and skills systems: Australia; Chile; India; Jamaica; Malawi; and the Philippines. These six case studies have demonstrated that in both developed and developing countries, much remains to be done to ensure that TVET and skills systems adequately and systematically take steps to develop the core skills that so profoundly enhance the employability of learners, jobseekers and workers.
Labour market transition of young women and men in Jamaica
Date de publication: 07 avril 2016
Source: OIT
This report presents the highlights of the 2013 School-to-work Transition Survey (SWTS) run together with the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) within the framework of the ILO Work4Youth Project. This survey’s findings aim to shed light on the experiences of youth in Jamaica today as they leave school and seek employment. It also provides insight into youth’s current perceptions of their future prospects, life goals and aspirations.