Call for Expression of Interest in professional training in Career Guidance
Date de publication: 06 oct. 2021
Source: Institutions académiques-University of Malta

On-line, part-time Master in Lifelong Career Guidance specifically for the MENA region


Career guidance (or ‘vocational guidance’) has been adopted in several countries in the world because it:

  • helps young people and adults choose their educational and employment pathways more wisely;
  • leads to appropriate choices that ensure more motivated students and more productive and satisfied workers;
  • facilitates a better match between the demand and supply of skills.


Career guidance services are greatly needed in the MENA region. They can be part of the strategy to address the twin challenge of high youth and adult unemployment on the one hand, and skills gaps on the other. They can also foster social inclusion through giving access to a livelihood.


The University of Malta – with the expert support of the European Training Foundation (ETF), the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the UNESCO-UNITWIN Network – has issued a Call for the Expression of Interest for those who would like to receive professional training in career guidance.


The Master course is designed in such a way as to

  • take into account the economic, labour market, educational and cultural realities of the MENA region;
  • provide participants with the interdisciplinary theoretical background and practical experience needed in order to design, deliver, and evaluate lifelong career guidance services;
  • promote regional expertise in policy development, systems-building, and practitioner competence. 


Individuals as well as public and private entities interested in the Masters can



Scholarships, in the form of partial fee waivers, are being offered by the University of Malta to deserving applicants.

Centres of vocational excellence: Autonomy in forging public-private partnerships in vocational education and skills development
Date de publication: 07 sept. 2021
Source: Organisations internationales-ETF
This study explores how the centres of vocational excellence (CoVEs) implement their autonomous role in public-private partnerships (PPPs), and the specific features and benefits of CoVEs’ collaborations in PPPs for vocational education and skills development. Drawing on selected case studies in six ETF partner countries (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Israel, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey) and two EU Member States (Finland and the Netherlands), the study provides insights into CoVE developmental processes and practices in PPPs and shows emerging trends that can inform vocational education policy development more widely.
Apprenticeship and Vocational Education and Training in Israel
Date de publication: 14 juin 2018
Source: Organisations internationales
One of a series of studies on vocational education and training, this review assesses the apprenticeship system and vocational education and training in Israel and provides policy recommendations. Israel has experienced strong economic growth over the last decade, and labour shortages are observed in many sectors and occupations. At the same time, inequity and disadvantage in some population groups are rising.

This report suggests several ways in which Israel might reform its vocational and apprenticeship programmes so that they effectively support the Israeli economy by providing the skills in demand on the labour market, and improve life chances and social mobility of individuals. The report argues for an expansion and integration of apprenticeship programmes into the mainstream upper secondary system, and development of systematic work-based learning placements in selected school-based vocational programmes.

Currently vocational education and training in Israel is fragmented and students and employers often find it difficult to navigate. To address this challenge, the report recommends creating a single strategic body that will plan and guide policy development on vocational education and training, and champion it within government. A relatively large share of adults in Israel has low basic skills, particularly among Arab Israelis and Haredi Jews. Addressing basic skills weaknesses in these populations should be a priority.
Навыки имеют значение: Знакомство с местными предприимчивыми сообществами
Date de publication: 15 avril 2016
Source: Autres sources
Предприимчивые сообщества являются добровольными, прогрессивными, инновационными, локально ориентированными и активными партнерствами, которые обеспечивают эффективное и устойчивое трудоустройство путем развития местных человеческих ресурсов. Двухлетняя работа «Инициативы предприимчивых сообществ» подтвердила динамизм местных структур в мобилизации ресурсов для создания партнерств, способствующих развитию профессиональных навыков. Их влияние на свои территории удивительно: они создают рабочие места, развивают предпринимательство и формируют новые компетенции у студентов. Все это, безусловно, способствует экономическому росту и развитию, укреплению социальной сплоченности на местах.