Executive Summary: Review of national policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks and practice
Date de publication: 26 févr. 2024
Source: OIT
The global displacement crisis demands integration solutions, notably in labor markets. The PROSPECTS Partnership, operating across Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Uganda, and Sudan, aims to support refugee integration. The International Labour Organization (ILO) conducted a review focusing on refugees' right to work and rights at work. Findings reveal significant gaps in legislation, hindering refugee access to formal employment, justice systems, and social security benefits. Comprehensive legal reforms and practical support mechanisms are needed to facilitate refugee integration. Detailed country-specific reports are available for download on the ILO website.
Review of national policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks and practice
Date de publication: 20 févr. 2024
Source: OIT
Through PROSPECTS programme, the ILO has undertaken a national policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks and practice review. This review includes an analysis of current legislation, policies and regulatory frameworks, and how their implementation works in practice across the eight PROSPECTS countries to support the governments in policy, legislation, regulatory development and/or reform as appropriate.

Through this review, the ILO seeks to explore further opportunities to strengthen policy, legislative and institutional environments and mechanisms, working closely with host governments and other national actors and partners.

By providing a comprehensive and robust picture of the situation on the ground, the report offers actionable areas of intervention to support policy development, reform and implementation capacity of the host governments, other national and local actors, including the social partners, to enhance inclusion and protection.
Improving skills and lifelong learning for workers in the informal economy to promote decent work and enhance transitions to formality
Date de publication: 12 févr. 2024
Source: OIT
Workers in the informal economy face barriers to training due to costs and limited availability. Women encounter greater challenges accessing opportunities. Employers invest less in training than formal counterparts, and available programs may not be suitable or recognized. Therefore, governments can expand financing options and make training more flexible. The paper highlights strategies including aligning programs with labour market demands and investing in basic skills education as well as targeted interventions that are essential for enhancing access and relevance in skills training.
Youth employment opportunities in the digital economy in Ethiopia: Afar and Somali regions
Date de publication: 22 déc. 2022
Source: OIT
The digital economy offers potential for the creation of decent jobs in Ethiopia.

However, with limited access and use of Internet, marginalized youth from host and refugee communities, may lose out reaping the benefits of digital services and opportunities.

This research provides insights in the current job opportunities in the digital economy and barriers to its uptake in the Afar and Somali regions of Ethiopia for youth, especially from the forcibly displaced communities.

This is a jointly published report of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
ILO Inter-regional workshop on enhancing youth employability and easing labour market transitions
Date: 18 - 20 mai 2016
Sources: OIT

The Youth Employment Programme and Skills and Employability Branch are organizing a regional workshop on the theme of enhancing youth employability and easing labour market transitions. This three-day interregional event is part of a series of ‘What Works in Youth Employment’ Knowledge Sharing Events to facilitate learning and dialogue through evidence-based ‘good practices’.

The objective of the workshop is to bring together stakeholders (including our tripartite constituents) from nine African countries (Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, and Zambia) in an interactive forum for exchange and peer learning with guidance from technical experts on effective, replicable and scalable supply side initiatives that address employability, skills demand, anticipation of skills needs and the bridges between supply and demand. A report based on exchanges and lessons learned during the workshop will be produced.