A review of national career development support systems
Fecha de publicación: 21 En. 2022
Fuente: OIT
This report synthesises the results of four national career development support system reviews in  Armenia, Moldova, Panama, and Viet Nam. The analysis introduces examples of national career development practices and policies, challenges and recommendations for further actions. The report illustrates the added value of ongoing and finalised national review processes, their contribution to system and policy development, taking into account  their diverse societal, economic, and political contexts, as well as the different stages of developing their career development support sys­tems. Aspects discussed include availability and use of labour market information, fragmentation of services, inequalities in access to career support, use of digital technology and the engagement of social partners.
Documento de proyecto
SABER Workforce Development Vietnam Country Report 2012
Fecha de publicación: 13 Sept. 2021
Fuente: Organizaciones internacionales-World Bank
The SABER-WfD assessment results, summarized on the
cover of this report, rates Vietnam’s system at the
emerging level for all three functional dimensions of
policies and institutions in the SABER-WfD analytical
framework: Strategic Framework, System Oversight
and Service Delivery. These
findings mask nuances revealed
by closer examination of the
underlying scores. They show
that the Strategic Framework
dimension is somewhat more
developed than the other two,
reflecting a very strong political
commitment to align workforce
development to the country’s
national economic priorities.
The slightly lower scores on the
System Oversight and Service
Delivery dimensions indicate
that while workforce
development is a high political priority in Vietnam, the
system’s capacity to deliver results remains weak. To
the government’s credit it acknowledges these
challenges and has articulated specific policies and
strategies to expand access and equity, to foster a
demand orientation in the VET system, to enhance
training quality and to secure funding for the sector.
Based on the SABER-WfD assessment, advancing these
goals will require attention to selected strategic
priorities, including (a) ensuring that the VET reform is
integral to the system-wide effort to strengthen the
education system at all levels; (b) focusing on a few key
economic sectors with high growth prospects; (c)
encouraging genuine partnerships between training
providers and industry; (d) specifying minimum
accreditation standards to ensure quality; and (e)
strengthening monitoring and evaluation by
establishing instruments and indicators for assessing
VET institutions’ performance.
Reaping the Benefits of Industry 4.0 through Skills Development in Viet Nam
Fecha de publicación: 06 Sept. 2021
Fuente: Otras fuentes-Asian Development Bank
This report explores the implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (41R) on the future of the job market in Viet Nam. It assesses how jobs, tasks, and skills are being transformed, particularly in logistics and agro-processing.
Documento de proyecto
Key results: Applying the G20 Training Strategy: A Partnership of the ILO and the Russian Federation (Phase 2)
Fecha de publicación: 24 Jul. 2021
Fuente: OIT
The Project aimed to assist developing and middle-income countries to assess their skills development needs and support the capacity development of national stakeholders to critically analyze, design, update and adapt national and sectoral skills development systems to find country-specific solutions to improve employability and promote decent employment opportunities for all.