Documento genérico
Skills mismatch in ETF partner countries
Fecha de publicación: 24 Ag 2022
Fuente: Organizaciones internacionales-European Training Foundation

Skills mismatch problems in the labour market have been widely recognized by both current literature and policymakers. Skills mismatch indicators inform policies to improve the matching between labour demand and labour supply, making labour markets more efficient and reducing the wage penalties due to over-education or other types of mismatches. The skills mismatch indicators have been measured, so far, only for a limited number of the European Training Foundation (ETF) partner countries and they are not always comparable. This report provides an update and an extension of the work which has already been done to measure skills mismatch in ETF partner countries. The analysis following the choice and the construction of skills mismatch indicators provides a timely overview of this labour market issue which will be important for governments, stakeholders, and other stakeholders to shape future labour market policies.

A review of national career development support systems
Fecha de publicación: 21 En. 2022
Fuente: OIT
This report synthesises the results of four national career development support system reviews in  Armenia, Moldova, Panama, and Viet Nam. The analysis introduces examples of national career development practices and policies, challenges and recommendations for further actions. The report illustrates the added value of ongoing and finalised national review processes, their contribution to system and policy development, taking into account  their diverse societal, economic, and political contexts, as well as the different stages of developing their career development support sys­tems. Aspects discussed include availability and use of labour market information, fragmentation of services, inequalities in access to career support, use of digital technology and the engagement of social partners.
Documento de proyecto
SABER Workforce Development Armenia Country Report 2014
Fecha de publicación: 12 Sept. 2021
Fuente: Organizaciones internacionales-World Bank
This report presents a comprehensive diagnostic of the country’s WfD policies and institutions to inform policy dialogue on this important issue. The results are based on a new World Bank tool designed for this purpose.  Known as SABER‐WfD, the tool is part of the World Bank’s initiative on Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER),2 the aim of which is to provide systematic documentation and assessment of the policy and institutional factors that influence the performance of education and training systems. It examines three crucial dimensions of the WfD system: strategic framework, system oversight, and service delivery. The SABER‐WfD tool encompasses initial, continuing, and targeted vocational education and training that are offered through multiple channels and focuses largely on programs at the secondary and post‐secondary levels. This report documents the results of the use of the SABER‐WfD tool in Armenia for the first time.
Policies supporting youth transition to work in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
Fecha de publicación: 07 Sept. 2021
Fuente: Organizaciones internacionales-ETF
Providing an overview of youth labour markets in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, and a description of the policy frameworks and measures in place to support youth transition to work, this report identifies the main challenges that young people face during their transition from education to work and priority areas for future action by governments to address these challenges.