A review of national career development support systems
Publication Date: 21 Jan 2022
Source: ILO
This report synthesises the results of four national career development support system reviews in  Armenia, Moldova, Panama, and Viet Nam. The analysis introduces examples of national career development practices and policies, challenges and recommendations for further actions. The report illustrates the added value of ongoing and finalised national review processes, their contribution to system and policy development, taking into account  their diverse societal, economic, and political contexts, as well as the different stages of developing their career development support sys­tems. Aspects discussed include availability and use of labour market information, fragmentation of services, inequalities in access to career support, use of digital technology and the engagement of social partners.
Marco Nacional de Cualificaciones de Panamá. Estructura básica.
Publication Date: 19 Jul 2019
Source: ILO
En desarrollo de las acciones definidas por la Alta Comisión de la Política Pública de Empleo sobre las ocupaciones técnicas y profesionales para el establecimiento de un Marco Nacional de Cualificaciones- MNC, el Centro Interamericano para el Desarrollo del Conocimiento en la Formación Profesional-OIT/CINTERFOR y el Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina-CAF han venido apoyando la definición de una ruta para el establecimiento del MNC para Panamá, que establezca los niveles y certificaciones educativas para los trabajadores panameños.

Este documento consta de siete apartados. El primero, retoma el concepto del marco de cualificaciones, en el segundo se revisan sus atributos y en el tercero se presentan los elementos que dan cuenta de su estructura. En el cuarto se recogen algunos hitos en la historia de los marcos de cualificaciones, se comparan algunos por sus niveles así como por los descriptores que adoptan. En el quinto apartado se mencionan algunos de los antecedentes que se identificaron en el análisis del entorno de Panamá al iniciar el proceso de construcción del MNC. El sexto apartado contiene la propuesta para el Marco de Cualificaciones de Panamá, resultado del proceso de construcción orientado por la cooperación técnica de OIT/CINTERFOR y CAF con la República de Panamá, y resultado de la validación por parte de los diversos actores que conforman la Comisión del MNC, creada por la Alta Comisión de la Política Pública de Empleo. Este apartado incluye los objetivos del MNC panameño, los principios, alcance y niveles del MNC de Panamá. Asimismo, se relaciona los descriptores y la matriz del MNC. Finalmente, se incluye un glosario básico de principales conceptos utilizados a lo largo del documento.
Human Talent Platform - Panama
Publication Date: 19 Dec 2018
Source: ILO, Other sources
The platform is aimed at providing a user-friendly mapping of the availability of human resources that have completed training or a certification programme in technical and vocational education and training areas.

The new tool is not only visually appealing, interactive, and easy to use, but also provides georeferenced information on each school of the National Vocational Training Institute as well as the vocational centres attached to the Ministry of Education comprising variables such as field of training, speciality, sex, graduation year and institute. This platform can be consulted by institutions for planning and decision-making purposes and by external users (potential investors in the territories, other public institutions, enterprises all over the country, etc.).
Understanding the Dynamics of Labor Income Inequality in Latin America
Publication Date: 18 Nov 2016
Source: Other sources
Since the early 2000s, after a long period of wide and persistent gaps, Latin America has experienced a steady decline in income inequality. This paper presents evidence of a trend reversal in labor income inequality, which is considered the main factor behind such a decline in income inequality across the region. The analysis shows that, while labor income inequality increased during the 1990s, with heterogeneous experiences across countries, it fell in a synchronized way across countries beginning in the early 2000s. This systematic decline was supported by an expansion in real hourly earnings among the bottom of the wage distribution and, to a lesser extent, the middle part of the earnings distribution, thus reducing upper and lower tail inequality. This trend reversal is explained by a lower dispersion of earnings among workers with observable different attributes and by a much less extensive dispersion of residual labor inequality. Regarding the earnings differentials among workers with observable different attributes, the analysis concludes that the decline in labor inequality in Latin America has been closely associated with a reduction in the college/primary education premium and in the urban-rural earnings gap, coupled with a steady drop in the high school/primary education premium, which accelerated markedly since the 2000s, as well as a reduction in the experience premium across all age groups.