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The future of vocational education and training in Europe: volume 2
Publication Date: 22 Aug 2022
Source: International organizations-European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)

This study examines the way in which institutional arrangements for the delivery of IVET have changed in response to shifts in skills demand.

Although these arrangements vary across countries, it is possible to identify common trends over time, such as institutional hybridisation, the blurring of boundaries between IVET and general education. Despite this development, IVET has been able to retain a distinct identity, which is attractive to learners and has the support of key labour market actors. This reflects IVET’s adaptability and resilience in the face of change.

Building on a Europe-wide survey of VET providers and in-depth national case studies, the study delivers a timely update of, and insight into, the continually changing IVET landscape. Results show increasing similarities in how countries configure their IVET systems. This is evident in the broadening of IVET curricula, the prominence given to the work-based learning pathway, as well as the growing importance attached to local and regional autonomy.

Vocational education and training in Luxembourg: Short description
Publication Date: 24 Oct 2015
Source: Other sources
Luxembourg’s vocational education and training (VET) is highly differentiated. Apprenticeships and school-based VET coexist. While some features may seem similar to those in other countries, taking a closer look is important to understand national concepts and terms. Luxembourg’s education and training system reflects its geographic and socioeconomic context: its small size, the close ties with its neighbours, its multilingual nature and high share of foreign nationals, and the well-established cooperation with social partners. Recently implemented reform has strengthened the links to the labour market and brought about a shift towards competence-based and modular vocational programmes. The implementation of this reform has also revealed weaknesses in the system; evaluation of the reform will provide stakeholders with evidence of a need for further changes.

By providing an insight into its main features and highlighting related policy developments and challenges, this short description contributes to better understanding of VET in Luxembourg.

Cedefop information series.
Livre blanc: Stratégie nationale du Lifelong Learning
Publication Date: 29 Apr 2015
Source: Governments
L’apprentissage tout au long de la vie, le Lifelong Learning, est indispensable pour « permettre à l’humanité de progresser vers les idéaux de paix, de liberté et de justice sociale » (Jacques Delors, 1996). Le Lifelong Learning couvre «toute activité d’apprentissage entreprise à tout moment de la vie, dans le but d’améliorer les savoirs, savoir-faire, aptitudes, compétences et/ou qualifi- cations, dans une perspective personnelle, sociale et/ou professionnelle » (Centre européen pour le développement de la formation professionnelle, CEDEFOP 2008, p. 123). Au niveau national, les acteurs clés s’accordent sur cette définition. Le Lifelong Learning s’adresse donc à toute personne, quels que soient son âge et son cadre d’apprentissage. Il com prend aussi bien la formation initiale (enseignement fondamental, enseignement secondaire, formation professionnelle, enseignement supérieur), que l’éducation et la formation des adultes sans distinction du type de formation, qu’elle soit formelle, non-formelle ou informelle.

C’est cette conception large du Lifelong Learning qui sert de base à ce Livre blanc. Traditionnellement, la dénomination «Lifelong Learning » au Luxembourg est surtout utilisée pour qualifier la formation professionnelle continue. Faisant référence aux dispositions du programme gouvernemental concernant la définition d’une stratégie du Lifelong Learning, le Livre blanc se limite aux volets de l’éducation et de la formation des adultes, à l’exception du volet relatif à l’orientation qui couvre le Lifelong Learning dans son ensemble.