13 results found
Publication Date:
20 October 2017
Source: Academic institutions, ILO
This report seeks to improve our understanding of the involvement of trade unions in the domain of TVET and skills development at the national, sectoral and enterprise levels. It does this through case studies of ten countries at different stages of…
Publication Date:
18 June 2014
Source: International organizations
This paper explores the linkages between investing in girls and potential increases in national income by examining three widely prevalent aspects of adolescent girls’ lives: early school dropout, teenage pregnancy and joblessness. The countries…
Publication Date:
20 May 2014
Source: Other sources
Today, interest in the potential of ICTs to transform learning experiences and outcomes in Africa usually translates into technological deployment. In most of the cases, it is the result of political will, while development and implementation of ICT…
Publication Date:
01 January 2008
Source: ILO
The review is a synthesis of reports on skills training conducted in nine countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Colombia, Peru, India, Kenya, the Philippines, Senegal, and Turkey. This study reflects the increased attention that International Programme…
Publication Date:
01 July 2009
Source: Other sources
The study provides a situational analysis of youth employment in Ghana and Senegal, based on interviews of 300 firms in each country. It investigates sectors with the highest employment potential for youth, employers’ perceptions related to hiring…