12 results found
Publication Date:
05 September 2019
Source: Other sources
Finnish vocational education and training (VET) is competence-based and learner-oriented. Cedefop's brief guide provides all the information you need on Finland's VET system in a concise manner.
Publication Date:
27 November 2018
Source: Other sources
This initial report describes the main drivers and trends expected to shape the future of work. It also reviews the main distinctions of the Nordic model and recent developments in Nordic working lives, pointing towards the kind of challenges the…
Publication Date:
13 July 2016
Source: Governments
Apprenticeship training is an excellent way to gain entry to the labour market. In Finland the low participation rates of students under 20 years of age and students dropping out of apprenticeship training leading to higher-level qualifications is a…
Publication Date:
16 December 2015
Source: Other sources
This report presents the main findings and general recommendations of the 2015 SOLIDAR Foundation Education and Lifelong Learning Watch. Based on an extensive consultation with SOLIDAR members and partners, this initiative evaluates progress towards…
Publication Date:
27 July 2016
Source: International organizations
Employment fosters equity and economic inclusiveness because those out of work face the highest risk of poverty, and it generates the tax receipts on which the social safety net depends. Further enhancing education and life-long learning would lower…