International conference on ensuring greater impact of TVET for sustainable development
Institutions d'EFTP
Les organismes chargés de l’enseignement et la formation techniques et professionnelles (EFTP) ont un rôle important à jouer pour préparer les jeunes à entrer dans le monde du travail et améliorer leur employabilité tout au long de leur parcours professionnel. La plate-forme de connaissances recueille et diffuse des informations provenant des organismes d'EFTP sur leur réactivité aux évolutions des besoins du marché du travail, l'adoption de nouvelles techniques de formation, l'élargissement de la portée de leur dispositif de formation et l'amélioration de la qualité de leurs services, notamment dans les domaines de la gouvernance, du financement, de la formation des enseignants et des partenariats sectoriels.
Qualite et pertinence des formations
This conference provides an opportunity for researchers, lecturers, and policy makers to share recent findings and innovation, best practices, and policies relevant to TVET.
In the last few years, much has been happening in the area of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region. One of the salient developments is that many countries have placed TVET as mainstream education. Initiative to increase the number of enrolment at secondary level is of the indications that TVET is gaining attention and popularity.
Considering that TVET graduates will be in the frontline of future workforces is vital particularly by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to sustain economic, cultural, and environmental development. This development is also in line with the regional initiative of ASEAN Integration whereby economic, cultural and political aspirations are highlighted. This conference provides an opportunity for researchers, lecturers, and policy makers to share recent findings and innovation, best practices, and policies relevant to vocational and technical education.